Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Laissez-Faire Spirituality

Anon, another NYTIMES Mag piece about Science and Religion, an analysis of the continual dance of ALL or NOTHING AT ALL thinking, or MY BRAIN IS BIGGER THAN YOURS. Not the author of the NYTimes piece; who did a good job of dancing over the ice flows of a treacherous river of BELIEF/DISBELIEF.

The article examines the latest brou-ha-ha between the guys like Dawkins ('I'll hold my breath and turn blue unless you give up believing in gOD!') and the super crazy not-so-intelligent design gang ('I'll hold your neck tightly until you turn blue unless you give up rational thought!').

What the author ends up focusing on is the quieter debate of whether religious belief is a byproduct or an adaption within the human brain's evolution; in other words, was religious belief a necessity to human adaption for survival and reproduction success?

Read the article. I'm just butchering this thang.

What I WOULD like to come away from this post is to ask the worlds of Academia, Religion and Geo-Politics to return to a sainer point in this tit-for-tat battle of 'Who Came First, God or the Idea of God?"

It used to be an unwritten Code of Ethics: Render unto Caesar what is Caesar's, render unto Me (yes I am God) what is mine. Or better yet, a quote from the NYTIMES article:

"... Science, as the old trope had it, was assigned the territory that describes how the heavens go; religion, how to go to heaven.".

Or maybe Gene Shepard's old saw:

"In God We Trust,

All Others Pay Cash".


slyboots2 said...

All others pay cash, or sacrifice the right colored chicken on Tuesday.

Anonymous said...

i loved this piece; i actually mailed the times article to myself to properly read OUTSIDE work hours. NOICE!

Bwana said...

You loved MY piece? Or the NYT piece? Sniff, sniff.

Anonymous said...
