Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Major Jackson Part Une & Deux

All right, since there are only 3 people in the world reading this blog now,
I think it's OK for me to post these links to my youtube stuff, and a recording I
did recently of Major Jackson, a poet from Philly who an Associate Professor of English at University of Vermont and a faculty member of the Bennington Writing Seminars.

It also says on his site that "Currently, he is a fellow at the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study at Harvard University." He swears to me he isn't just there to chase the betties.

I had to break up the recording into 3 parts to fit into streams on YouTubey, and PLEASE forgive the cheesey images. I'm having a competiton with friends on who can make the shittiest video with Window MoveMaker and still get it function on the web.

I win! The following are just parts one and two. Part three to follow. I put some images up of the book, and he already has his own copy of the recording I burned on site, so I don't think he'd be too pissed. The sound is a little rapsy, mostly because I recorded without filters (duh), so next time I'll do better, and if you don't like it, piss off!

Part I

Part II


slyboots2 said...

Much better production value than the usual Youtube stuff. So don't harsh on yourself! You even dubbed a soundtrack. Nice, very nice.

On another note, looks like we lost the Romanian...sad, very sad.

Bwana said...

Just the Pink thing, right?

Bwana said...

Yikes! I just went and looked! HAVE ALREADY POSTED MY GREIF STATEMENT.

(S)wine said...
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(S)wine said...

only stopped writing. but still making the rounds reading. shine on you crazy diamond(s).