Monday, March 19, 2007

Boomtown: The New Deadwood

Today I read a review of the latest book by Christopher Buckley, "Boomsday"; which comically details a day in the not-too-distant future when outraged X-ers will wage a PR campaign for the Baby Boomers to commit collective suicide, so that the X-ers won't need to pay for their continued non-productive existence.

This did sound pretty funny to me, until I realized that it will open the floodgates of the cultural zeitgeist, and create and actual movement of the same sort by well-intentioned, idealistic pin heads such as those who organize demonstrations against 'globalization', or who burn down new housing developments because they 'interfere with nature'.

And yes, I AM saying this because I am on the back end of the Boomer Boom, and will probably be one of those guys who still works even though they should retire. Just so as not to be a burden.

But you KNOW this thing is coming, right? And since most blogger folks are not Boomers, I can expect that this will be a rallying cry in the future.

Well, be forewarned. Boomers are notoriously grumpy fuckers. IF you try and take them out, they may take a few of you with them.

I'm just saying.


(S)wine said...

not to worry sir. they young'uns don't have enough attention span to organize en masse. as for the Boomers: arm yourselves to the teeth (if you still got 'em, har-feckin-har). you can take care of the radicals with a few well-placed shots.

(S)wine said...

p.s. i missed izzard's show again last night.
not used to turning on the tv, you see.
was it good?

slyboots2 said...

It was bloody intense.

And not to worry- all of the Boomers I know are already card carryin members of the NRA, have more fire power than Bolivia, and are not afraid to use it. I'll tell the tale of my mother, the shotgun, and the evil demon cat some time.

Bwana said...

Well, to paraphraze the title of an old TV Show, "Juuuuuuuuust Shoot Me."