Saturday, April 7, 2007

Trying to Fit in? ... Maundy Thursday Gang Bangers

These wild fellas are hoping to improve community relations by taking their Morris Dancing troop into West Philadelphia, celebrating Maundy Thursday in their own, special way.

Do you think they will come out alive? Inquiring minds wanna know!


(S)wine said...

in Philly?
start writing their obits.

Bwana said...

Sorry! This is a late April Fools joke. I was looking for covered statuary images, which I remember from my childhood, and used the scare the shit outta me.

But all I could fine under a google of Maundy Thursday was these Morris Maniax.

And yes, they'd never make it out of Philly alive.

ESN-TNS said...

I can guarantee you if they Walked Down Haverford they'd get to at the most 35 st. before death (that's 4 blocks of walking)

(S)wine said...

ah feck; i remember those Sambo-type figurines.