Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Atlas Ralphed

I am not a big fan of Ayn Rand's novels, though I believe I have read them all. It's not that she wasn't a good writer, she was. The problem is her philosophy, Objectivism, which can be loosely translated to mean that the proper moral purpose of one's life is the pursuit of one's own happiness or "rational self-interest;" i.e., feck everybody else's problems, if you can't deal then crawl off and die. I am too noble to waste my time with your paltry short-comings.

Now, why am I not surprised that somebody has a film version of "Atlas Shrugged" in production already, and then why am I doubly not surprised that Rand's heroine, cold little Dagny Taggart, is being penned for portrayal by Angelina Jolie? I am not sure that anyone has really explained Rand's F-O-A-D belief system to the entity that is BrAngelina, as they are all up themselves to do the movie. Apparently Ms. Jolie is a big fan of Rand, and Mr. Pitt hopes they will rewrite the story line so that Rand's other leading character from "The Fountain Head", Howard Rourke can be played by Pitt in this clusterfeck. I think he wants it so bad 'cause Howard was an architect, the closet dream of Mr. Pitt for many years.

Has no one explained to these people that shite like Rand's has brought us Libertarianism, Reaganisim and Neo-Conservativism? Well, actually you can blame the Neo-Con movement on Former American Trostskyites at Columbia University.

But once again, Hollywood attempts to feck about with something it doesn't really understand, and expose millions of impressionable young minds to this horseshit all over. The important thing on this planet is TO GIVE A SHIT ABOUT SOMETHING OTHER THAN YOURSELF.

Are they trying to regurgitate the Me-Generation? I am afraid the BrAngelina have fallen victim to the Cult of Personality.


slyboots2 said...

I always was very interested in the link between Rand and Alan Greenspan. Very tight, those two.

I absolutely and completely despise Rand and all that she stood for. What a bunch of evil little degenerates. Completely lacking in human compassion and kindness. No redemption for them- and no soup.

(S)wine said...

oh i am so ecstatic about this post. and so happy that you AND Sly despise Rand. I thought I was the only one. i read her when i was very young (14? 15?) and then re-read her about 5 yrs. ago and it played even worse than the first time. i cannot for the life of me see why she is/was who she is/was. i think, perhaps, because it was anti-totalitarian and very much en vogue along the lines of Orwell and Huxley. In any case...i sold my copies of Rand to the University of Maryland Bookstore in 1991 for some other sap to read.

Bwana said...

She ain't no Anthony Burgess, neither.

(S)wine said...

and thank god for that.
intersting timing.
i've picked up (again) Clockwork, and am re-reading it with much more gusto, now at this age, than ever before.