Tuesday, May 29, 2007

2800 Sausages To GO, Please!

An 11-year-old kid from Alabama with a target pistol, a full clip and 3 hours to kill, chased a wild boar through the brush firing 8 times (apparently 9 is the charm with a .22 pistol, I guess) until the hog finally dropped.

It weighed in at an incredible 1049 lbs. It measured 9' 4" from the tip of it's snout to the end of its...whatever.

I would hate to see what this kid does in a fair fight.


(S)wine said...

hogzilla lives.

(S)wine said...


slyboots2 said...

"Pork chops and apple sauce....swell."

(S)wine said...

ooo, a Brady Bunch reference.

slyboots2 said...

You know it, babycakes!

Bwana said...

NOT to be offered to Mohammedans.