Wednesday, July 18, 2007

¡Ruego, Si, Hola!

I be back in USA. Wahoo.

See the Flickr site for nifty pics from Spain.


(S)wine said...

i'm jealous.

slyboots2 said...

That's quite the wedding production. But I see no tears. And no puking in the bushes. I guess my family wasn't there. Too upscale, I suspect.

Glad you made it back!

Bwana said...

The bride is also my attorney in Madrid. And I needed one after dealing with lost luggage and botched air fares.

Other than that, it was a blast.

slyboots2 said...

I would love to hear why you have an attorney in Madrid. Just because that's a little unusual. And there ought to be an interesting story attached. If not, make one up, por favore.

(S)wine said...

as your attorney in the States, I advise you not to answer that question.